BC Autism Assessment Wait Times Have Grown – We Can Help!

Autism Assessment Wait Times Are At An All Time High

Parents in B.C. with children who are suspected to be on the autism spectrum now have to wait over a year for an official diagnosis. Despite there being a mandate to work on decreasing the wait time and increasing the yearly number of assessments and diagnoses, Global News recently reported that the average wait time of 55 weeks last year has increased closer to 60 weeks this year. (See the Global News article and video here: https://globalnews.ca/news/6231926/bc-waitlist-autism-assessments/)

It is clearly evident that the demand for testing has consistently grown. Parents are turning to private practices for an autism assessment and diagnosis. Some costing thousands of dollars and the outcome doesn’t always result in an official diagnosis.

At Mind Over Learning, we are experienced with all different learning and behavioural profiles. Our Specialized Learning Consultants regularly perform assessments which provide parents with reliable professional conclusions about the probable nature of their child’s behaviours and challenges – for a fraction of the cost of a private Psycho-Educational Assessment.

Our Experience & Expertise

Because our Consultants work with a plethora of diagnoses, learning disabilities, developmental delays, behaviours, and learning challenges, we understand the small differences that can determine the root or cause of a person’s exhibited symptoms. We are trained to carefully observe the nuances of an individual’s actions, responses, neuro-processes, communication, patterns of behaviour, and other considerations necessary to make a proper assessment. In short, we can accurately determine if autism is a likely possibility. We can also tell parents if a child’s challenges are possibly stemming from another cause, or combination of causes (potential diagnoses).

Mind Over Learning Assessments

The benefits of a Mind Over Learning assessment are diverse. Of course, parents can feel more confident in their pursuit of a diagnosis. But, we can also help to launch the first step in receiving the proper support more quickly. The MOL Consultant can provide parents with a thorough assessment report delineating the specific observations made throughout the assessment. This can be provided to pediatricians, psychologists, and other educational professionals to advocate for the needs of your child to receive additional help while waiting for an official diagnosis.

Providing On-Going Support

Furthermore, Mind Over Learning can be a part of your child’s ongoing support with our myriad of tutoring programs – including tutoring for autism. Our specialized consultants and instructors are trained to understand all diagnoses that affect learning and are equipped with the expertise to remediate learning difficulties and disabilities. They are experts in differentiating their teaching approaches to ensure that all students learn to their fullest potential in a safe and sensory-sensitive learning environment.

Find Out More About Our Programs

With autism assessments demand at an all-time high, we’re here to provide you with the support you’re looking for. We are recognized by the AFU (Autism Funding Unit) as a quality tutoring service and we bill directly to the AFU. You can speak with one of our consultants who openly welcomes the opportunity to find out more about your child. We’re here to answer any and all of your questions. Contact us today.


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